This might be one of my favorite “feel good” videos in a long time.
This is Shärath Jason Wilson of The Cave Academy. Here’s a little bit about his mission:
The Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy (CATTA) based in Detroit Michigan has been transforming the lives of boys and young men since 2008 (Videos Below). Our mission is to create a generation of men who are physically conscious and spiritually strong enough to navigate through the pressures of this world without succumbing to their emotions. We are able to accomplish this mission through the comprehensive physical, mental and emotional stability training system of Mūsar Rū, which translates “Discipline of the Spirit”. Through Mūsar Rū, boys and young men are introduced to the root of their unresolved anger, ADHD symptoms, anxieties and fears, while being taught how to introspectively confront and conquer them daily with composure.
In this clip, one of Wilson’s students breaks down crying after being unable to break a board. Shärath Wilson then unleashes a motivational speech that’s sure to get ripped off and dropped into a Hollywood movie.
It’s comforting to know for all that with all the terrible things going on in the world, there are people like Wilson trying to make a difference.
[via The Cave Academy]