If ever I’m wanted by police, for anything, I’ll be sure to fill my days with things like NOT GET CAUGHT. I sure as hell won’t spend time contacting them about mugshot photos.
An 18-year-old girl who had escaped from an Australian correction center responded to police after her mug shot was posted on Facebook.
She asked them to please, use a better picture of her. She even provided the picture for them.
Amy Sharp escaped from Surry Hills Corrective Services Cell Complex on August 19th. So the police released her mug shots to the media and asked the public to be on the watch for her.
Here’s the original post with the unapproved glamour shot.
Smart caught wind of the photo, or checked online to see if she was internet famous yet, and commented with a much better pic.
She’s right. It’s a much better photo. She’s also back in custody since the posting gave away her location.
From 7 News Sydney:
**UPDATE** Amy Sharp was arrested just after midnight. Found by police in Wentworth Park. Local police assisted by the Police Order & Riot Squad. Expected to be charged today.
I wonder how good her new mugshot looks.
[via Fox 8]