BREAKING: Oregon and D.C. Legalize Marijuana Use, Just Like Colorado And Washington

It’s a good day for green if you live in the State of Oregon or Washington D.C.. The dominos of marijuana Prohibition in the United States continue to fall, with Oregonians voting on Tuesday to pass Measure 91, a bill allowing individuals to grow, posses, and use marijuana for recreational purposes, along with selling from licensed vendors. Oregon is now the third state to fully legalize marijuana after Colorado and Washington.

The residents of the Nation’s Capital, Washington D.C., also voted to legalize marijuana on Initiative 71, with NPR reporting 65-29.5 percent lead as of 9:09 p.m. ET, with 20,727 voting in favor. The D.C. ballot initiative legalizes possession for up to six plants or two ounces, but doesn’t do anything for the sale and taxation of ganja. In other words, don’t look for dispensaries to start poppin’ up in Adams Morgan any time soon. There’s also the tricky issue of marijuana still being illegal at the federal level, which means Congress could still technically block it. That would certainly be a dick thing for a new Congress to do.

Here’s details on the law passing in Oregon from The Oregonian:

With nearly 65 percent of the vote tallied, Oregon is projected to have approved Measure 91 legalizing recreational use of pot, with nearly 54 percent in favor and 46 percent against.

The Oregon bill gives regulatory control of pot to the state’s liquor control agency. It would also allow Oregon citizens to grow up to four plants at a time.

The state’s legislative revenue office recently estimated that “in fiscal year 2017, the revenue from legal marijuana is expected to be $16.0 million with a lower range of $13.1 million and an upper range of $19.4 million.”

“Marijuana legalization has been a long-standing issue in Oregon,” Oregon Public Broadcasting reports. “In 1986, a failed measure first sought to legalize recreational pot. It was rejected by a large majority of voters.”

There is also a legalization measure in Alaska, which we’ll hear the results on later. A measure passed in Guam legalizing the sticky icky too. The only state to not vote in favor of marijuana was Florida, where voters were pushing for an amendment to legalize medical marijuana use. Way to fuck shit up per usual, Florida.

Get that bag of pizza rolls ready, crank up some Peter Tosh, and  smoke ’em if you got ’em, legally, now, Oregon and D.C.

Democracy happened today. It’s another great day in America.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: