Senatobia Mississippi Municipal School District Superintendent Jay Foster filed “disturbing the peace” charges against parents and relatives who had the nerve to cheer during a high school graduation ceremony. That’s all they did, cheer, and barely.
Here’s the story from one of the “offenders.”
“My 18-year-old daughter, Lanarcia Walker, graduated from Senatobia High,” Linda Walker said. “He said ‘you did it baby’, waived his towel and went out the door,” Walker explained.
“When she went across the stage I just called her name out. ‘Lakaydra’. Just like that,” Ursula Miller said she shouted about her niece.
Two of the four offenders were asked to leave the ceremony, a request the superintendent made of the crowd before the ceremony began. The offenders left the area without further incident. A week later they received the disturbing the peace paperwork in the mail.
“It’s crazy,” Henry Walker told WREG. “The fact that I might have to bond out of jail, pay court costs, or a $500 fine for expressing my love, it’s ridiculous man. It’s ridiculous.”
Ridiculous indeed. All four of the alleged offenders will appear in court of June 9.
[via WREG]