For some inexplicable, illogical and presumptuous reason, people assumed that Bradley Cooper was a Republican after he played the leading role of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in 2014’s American Sniper. That’s like saying you’re pissed that Christoph Waltz isn’t actually a Nazi after starring in Inglourious Basterds, or that you’re mad about how Elijah Wood isn’t actually a hobbit.
And yet here we have Twitter Republicans, flipping out over the fact that Bradley Cooper attended the DNC:
People are upset that Bradley Cooper who played Sniper Chris Kyle is a democrat 😂😂😂😂
— Yukio Strachan (@boldandworthy) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper at the DNC? Just lost all respect for this guy!!! These celebrity's need to start seeing Hillary for what she is # scandalous
— JGK Charleston (@jgkCharleston) July 28, 2016
Realllll disappointed to see Bradley Cooper at the DNC. But, oh well.
— mrs spooky (@rachdanielle7) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper's eyes are too pretty for a liberal. SMH. Everybody at the DNC should have glowing red eyes.
— Fuzzicus® 😷 Innocuous ن🟦🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@MissFuzzball) July 28, 2016
Unsurprisingly, people started hopping all over anyone claiming to be pissed about Cooper’s political affiliation:
Conservatives getting mad at Bradley Cooper's DNC appearance really shows how stupid they really are.
— Chickfileeeiiii (@sunshineleisha) July 28, 2016
So I hear republicons are so outraged over Bradley Cooper's DNC appearance they've petitioned the Pentagon to kick him out of the military
— Joey 🌐 (@Joey__Gallo) July 28, 2016
Y'all really upset that Bradley Cooper was at the DNC ?
— Yukio Strachan (@boldandworthy) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper at DNC
GOP: "Chris Kyle? You traitor!"Anthony Hopkins at a buffet
GOP: "Does he really eat people?"— Craig Rozniecki (@CraigRozniecki) July 28, 2016
Conservatives are boycotting Bradley Cooper for being at the #DNC. America is boycotting Scott Baio for having the career of Scott Baio.
— David Sartoris (@DaveSartoris) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper catching hell for being at the DNC Convention? Really??
Go to bed Twitter, you're delirious with stupidity right now.
— April All Balls Don’t Bounce Holt (@Never_Doubt_707) July 28, 2016
Actual humans are mad at Bradley Cooper, an actor, for being at DNC because he once acted in a movie they liked. Okay, then.
— A (@jayhops) July 28, 2016
Dying laughing at conservatives being angry Bradley Cooper was at the DNC. American Sniper really had you guys convinced he was Republican?
— laura (@loreuhann) July 28, 2016
[H/T Daily Beast]