Bacon, the candy bar of meats, is beloved by all. Bacon is so finger-licking delectable that companies attempt to make vegetables taste like bacon. Despite being the most versatile meat in all of humanity, that didn’t stop PETA from asking one of the most insane questions of our time.
On Wednesday, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals asked the mind-boggling question: “Present your best argument for eating bacon.” And I think they were actually serious in their absurd query. Well, the internet had plenty of firepower for the argument FOR eating mouthwatering bacon and they did not hold back.
Present your best argument for eating bacon.
— PETA (@peta) June 28, 2017
1) It's bacon.
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) June 29, 2017
I think the worst argument for eating bacon is still better than the best argument not to eat bacon.
— (Mr.) Conard (@Benbo_Baggins_) June 28, 2017
— Michael Schwab (@michaelschwab13) June 29, 2017
— Michael Schwab (@michaelschwab13) June 29, 2017
— Michael Schwab (@michaelschwab13) June 29, 2017
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) June 29, 2017
It pisses you off.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 29, 2017
B/c I want to live to 105
— Adena Jones (@adena_andrews) June 29, 2017
It makes hamburger even more delicious
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 29, 2017
mmm bacon …
— Matthew Gross (@MattGross87) June 29, 2017
— Jen Gerson (@jengerson) June 29, 2017
Cuz sometimes I run out of panda meat
— Owen Benjamin 🐻 (@OwenBenjamin) June 29, 2017
I'm going to go with the fact that bacon not only tastes great, but it smells like the heavens opening up to get you through the day.
— The Darkest Timeline Numbersmuncher (@NumbersMuncher) June 29, 2017
Let's be friends.
— Curt Popejoy (@CurtPopejoySW) June 29, 2017
Bacon helps me eat more veggies that I wouldn't be able to eat if they weren't Bacon wrapped
— Ryan Harrison (@ryanharrison92) June 29, 2017
mmm bacon …
— Matthew Gross (@MattGross87) June 29, 2017
Utah Senator Orrin Hatch gave several reasons as to why he eats bacon.
— Senator Hatch Office (@senorrinhatch) June 29, 2017
At one point PETA busted out a Louis C.K. GIF, which ironically was from the same comedy special where he praised the salty pork product and said, “When you have bacon in your mouth it doesn’t matter who’s president or anything.”
It's very odd that you should use a gif from Louis CK's Oh My God show. In which he says this…
— Tom T Richards (@TOMtRICHetc) June 29, 2017
Now excuse me while I go gorge on some fatty, crispy, salty, mouth-orgasming bacon.