It is becoming rare today that we see public officials come out and address cultural problems head on with the bluntness (but still well-spoken) that is, sometimes, much needed. When this happens, though, what is said does not need to be polarizing, but uniting. Chief Sjolander, of the Kenyon, Minnesota Police Department, has come out and spoken about the cultural issues at-hand:
The department’s Facebook page has over 26,000 likes (while the country is significantly smaller than this number) which is proof that they have found a voice that many find valuable. In the post, Sjolander goes into detail about what he expects of us, but we he also expects of his team. He also touches on the point of genuine service to the community:
I, as well as so many others are here for you. If you need me, I will be just a phone call, or radio call away. I truly appreciate, and love each and everyone of you. Stay safe, Lee
Bottom line, people in positions of power, on both sides of the fence, need to take a page from Chief Sjolander’s book.
[H/T The Russian Times]