In simpler times, before cell phones made getting in touch with your drug dealer as easy as texting you mom to lie and say you weren’t out buying drugs, you had to know where to find them. What street corner a dude might be dishing on, which parking lot he preferred loitering in.
And old tale is that dealers threw shoes over power lines to signify that you could buy from the people chilling down below.
Whether that’s true is debatable, but what isn’t is that in Portland, Oregon, pranksters are tying together dildos and stringing them on power lines throughout town. There are dildos all over the place.
Yes… Dildos on Clinton St. #portland #pnw #classy.
— Aaron Delani (@aarondelani) June 25, 2015
Throwing dildos over the power lines has become a thing in portland. #keeportlandweird They're all over town.
— rabble (@rabble) June 27, 2015
😳 RT @nypost: Hundreds of sex toys are dangling from power lines in Portland
— Bartolo Colonoscopy (@TeamThirstTrap) July 14, 2015
Why yes, there are two dildos hanging over the telephone wire on my street. Oh Portland..
— justnoah (@col_forbin) June 19, 2015
No one knows why. Are they selling the opportunity to be penetrated by plastic below? Walk up, pay 40 bucks and get a dude to give it to you with a dildo?
Maybe. Quite possibly maybe.