Racist Drunk Girls Hurl Slurs, Berate And Assault Guy Who Called Them ‘Beautiful’

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It appears that the parties involved are all drunk and eating some hangover-preventing food at a sandwich place after they hit a bar. Allegedly, one of the guys in the booth stared at the two “ladies” in the seats next to him. Then he had the gall to tell one of the “ladies” that she was “beautiful.” Can you believe the audacity? Well that compliment ignited a ferocious and racist rant.

“Don’t look at us,” the irate girl demands. “Don’t fucking look at us!” One of the girls believes that the guy is Mexican and “cleverly” calls him “Jose.” She then tells an employee of the restaurant that the gentleman “needs to be deported.”

She then gets up and gets in the face of the guy and spouts off. “I will beat your ass! I will fucking beat your ass! You don’t ever talk to my friend like that. I will fucking kill you!” She then proceeds to slap the guy in the face.

That’s when someone inexplicably yells, “Twerk on his head!”

The young ladies are then asked to leave by a Pickleman’s employee. But before her exit, she emphatically tells the dude, “Burn in hell! Burn in hell! Burn in hell! You belong in hell! You belong to the devil!” Slow your roll miss, this is Pickleman’s at 2 a.m., not the Salem Witch Trials.

Then the other girl finally pipes up and gives an enlightened view about immigration. Just kidding, she morphed into Donald Trump. “Their Mexican motherfuckers are gonna get deported. Who gives a fuck about them? They’re gonna be on the border begging for us.” Racists of the same feather flock together. They are then escorted out.

The compliment did not come at the workplace, it came at an eatery that seems to cater to intoxicated individuals since it is a sandwich place that is open until 3:00 a.m.

In the beginning of the video, these gentleman are not menacing or abusive. In fact, every single one of them is giggling their asses off over the volatile situation. However, the offensive and demeaning words about the “ladies” after they left by the gang of guys definitely was inappropriate and not necessary.

If in fact that the guy was innocently flirting with the ladies and the worst he did was call the one “lady” beautiful as the description of the video suggests (Which I tend to believe since they were intolerant, angry, and were the ones who got kicked out of the eatery) then there is no excuse for the females.

After further review, looks like this dude really dodged a bullet.