You want to see what a world record looks like, eh? Well look no further than this awesome robot built by software engineers Jay Flatland and Paul Rose. The damn thing is being touted as “the world’s fastest Rubik’s Cube-solving robot,” and that’s probably because it’s virtually impossible to solve a Rubik’s Cube faster than this can.
Pretty freakin’ amazing considering the current world record for a machine solving a Rubik’s Cube is 3.253 seconds, meaning Flatland and Rose have all but halved that time. Innovation, bros. It’s a beautiful thing.
For comparison’s sake, the non-robotic Rubik’s Cube solving world record is amazingly only 4.904 seconds, held by Lucas Etter, who can’t possibly be older than 12-years-old here. Kid is a BEAST.
And his cohort’s bewildered reactions upon the record are pretty hilarious to watch, too. Still, though, it seems as Etter would be no match for the robot in question. But then again, that match-up wouldn’t exactly be a level playing field, now would it?
Neat stuff.
[h/t Epoch Times]