Authorities are desperately searching for a laptop belonging to a Secret Service agent that was stolen. The computer is said to have national security information on it including floor plans for Trump Tower with evacuation protocols, details regarding the Hillary Clinton private email server investigation, and files about the Pope. The agent told investigators that nothing about the White House or foreign leaders is stored on the laptop, but the information on the computer could compromise national security.
#BREAKING: Secret Service laptop with Nat’l security info about Trump stolen in NY. Also included files on the Pope. — @jeffpeguescbs
— Tim Williams (@realtimwilliams) March 17, 2017
Authorities have been scouring New York City since the laptop was stolen from the Secret Service agent’s vehicle in Brooklyn on Thursday morning.
From the New York Daily News:
The thief stepped out of a car, possibly an Uber, on a street in Bath Beach and stole the laptop from the agent’s vehicle, which was parked in the driveway of her home. He was then seen on video walking away from the scene with a backpack.
Some coins and a black bag with the Secret Service insignia on it were recovered later, but the laptop, as well as other documents, said to be “sensitive” have yet to be found. The crook also stole her access keycard, but the level of the agent’s access wasn’t yet known. I don’t even leave my shitty laptop with 3 gigs of MILF porn in my ride in fear it will be stolen, so to leave a laptop with national secrets in a car seems incredibly irresponsible.
The NYPD is assisting in investigating the incident.
“The Secret Service is very heavily involved and, citing national security, there’s very little we have on our side,” a source within the NYPD said. “It’s a very big deal.”
“There’s data on there that’s highly sensitive,” the police source added. “They’re scrambling like mad.”
The Secret Service issued a statement on the stolen laptop.
Secret Service issues statement on agent's laptop that was stolen in New York City.
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) March 17, 2017
TMZ is reporting that the floor plans to Trump Tower are on file at the Department of Buildings and available to the public.
It was also revealed today that the fence-jumper at the White House from last Friday was able to stroll around the south lawn for 15 minutes.
JUST IN: Accused White House fence jumper was on grounds for 15 minutes or more before being caught, source says
— CNN (@CNN) March 17, 2017
The intruder, Jonathan Tran, set off several alarms, but was able to avoid other sensors. Secret Service officials are conducting a formal Mission Assurance Review to the incident. The 26-year-old man with a backpack infiltrated the White House complex and made it steps from the main door to the White House before Secret Service nabbed him.
This comes a day after it was revealed that Secret Service members were being investigated for taking selfies with President Trump’s grandchild, who was asleep when they took the photos.