Come on, baby.
Let me know what you are wearing. I bet it’s hot.
Why won’t you tell me? I just wanna know. I wanna be able to picture you.
Come on, think about how hot it’ll be for me, thinking about how hot you are looking.
Please? Well, if you won’t do it for me, do it for the health of our relationship?:
Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, [Emily Stasko, a doctoral candidate at Drexel University, and psychologist Pamela Geller] were able to survey 870 heterosexual men and women ranging in age from 18 to 82 about their sexting behavior, their satisfaction with their romantic relationships, and their sexual satisfaction. They found that almost everyone (88% of their respondents) had sent or received a sexually suggestive message over the internet at some point in their lives.:
When a person looks forward to exchanging some spicy texts with their partner, more frequent sexting is correlated with greater satisfaction with the relationship.
Of course, this doesn’t prove much. Replace sexting with heroin.
When a person looks forward to [doing heroin], more frequent [heroin use] is correlated with greater satisfaction.
But yea, sexting is awesome.
[H/T Throb