The Short And Sweet Story Of A Bro Who Did Bong Rips In A Hospital Bed

A few weeks ago a hilarious meme on Waka Flocka’s Facebook page BLEW UP viral, getting well over 500,000 likes. Despite the dark subtext about mortality, it’s the most Bro thing ever: A dude ripping a bong in a hospital bed like a boss, zero fucks given:

Waka Flocka’s website caught up with the kid pictured in the meme, asking him how he ended up doing bong rips in a hospital bed. Turns out, no, this Aussie Bro wasn’t laying in his death bed. Just in the hospital suffering from a dirt bike accident.

It’s the best stoner story you’ll read today:

Waka Vision: How the hell did you get the bong into the hospital?

Luke: One of my mates came in with it in his bag an no one was around or in the room so I put the curtain up and held the smoke in after I ripped it haha.

Waka Vision: What were you in the hospital for? And did smoking help relieve whatever pain you were in?

Luke: I had a broken knee from a dirtbike accident, and yeah it helped a little, haha.



If you’ve ever smoked weed in a hospital bed (or somewhere else vaguely amusing), share your story in the comments.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: