Congratulations, you’ve been offered the job! But unfortunately, the salary isn’t quite what you were looking for. It’s no secret that everyone wants to make more money, and it’s no secret that tons of publications have covered how to negotiate a higher salary, so we’re going above and beyond with a little copy-and-paste kit for your next negotiation letter. Feel free to use them as notes in case you find yourself in an over-the-phone or in-person discussion about compensation. Cinch your tie, adjust your cuffs, brush your shoulders off and let’s jump-start your future income.
Show Your Excitement
Make sure the hiring manager or HR department knows you’re looking forward to your future with the company, department or team.
Example: I feel honored to be chosen for this position and I’m excited you’ve asked me to be a part of your team.
Show Your Worth
Start with what’s below, and then expand on it by explaining how your past achievements translate to future ones.
Example: I think I have an excellent foundation of competencies and experience and insight to align with [Company and/or Department Name] goals and help propel it into its next chapter. I have a clear vision as to how I can help achieve this.
Show Your Understanding of the Challenge that Lies Ahead
Always make your understanding of the requirements of the position clear – as well as the way that relates to your compensation.
Example: Given my understanding of the position, I also feel a salary increase will be more appropriate for the amount of work and its always-evolving nature, the level of responsibility, and the challenging work environment you have described.
Show Your Research
Use,, and any other resource you can to back up your request with research. And never ask for a round number, always ask for something like $56,274 instead of $56,000 so it doesn’t seem like you’re just pulling a nice tidy number out of thin air.
Example: ‘ve offered a base salary of $XX,XXX per year. I believe that a salary in the low/mid/high-X’s harmonizes with the experience and savvy I would bring to work each day (and also corresponds to the average starting salary of similar positions I’ve researched in the [City/County/Region] metropolitan area.
Show Your Professionalism
No matter what your opinion on the offer they’ve provided you with, always maintain a high level of professionalism.
Example: [First Name], I know we can do great work together at [Company Name]. I eagerly await your response.
Thank you again, and warm regards,
[Your Name]
Know Your Stopping Point
If your counter-offer doesn’t help, it could be they have no control over raising the salary despite how good of an argument you make. Or, if they offer you more, but still not as much as you believe you deserve yet it still meets or exceeds your minimum, you may want to consider that a small victory. Another stopping point could be the discussion of salary. At this point you may want to explore other perks, such as the ability to work remotely or additional paid time off.
Businessman image by Shutterstock