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After years of waiting for this series to drop, Planet Earth II finally hit the BBC airwaves over the weekend. Here in America, we’ll have to wait a while to see Planet Earth II on TV but as it gets aired in Great Britain it’ll hit the Internet shortly thereafter, and that’s exactly what has happened with this super hyphy clip of baby marine iguanas being born in The Galapagos Islands.
The hatching of these baby marine iguanas is the best and easiest chance for a quick meal that the snakes will see all year. Unfortunately for the iguanas they have no idea the snakes even exist, in fact, all they know is they need to get to the water. This run across the gauntlet of snakes takes place just seconds after these iguanas are born and their first look at the big, terrifying new world involves murderous snakes charging them en masse.
Some make it, most don’t. But what we get is a look at one of te most peculiar birth rituals in all of The Galapagos. Why the adult marine iguanas choose to lay their eggs so close to the snake’s lair is beyond me, you’d think that over time they’d come up with a better place to lay those eggs but here we are.
…(h/t r/videos)…