Calling all revelers! Woven and our partners Jägermeister, Spike TV and Mitchell &Ness are excited remind you that tonight is our NiceKicks party at our Woven House at SXSW in Austin, TX! The party will be kicking from 8pm- 2am and there will be performances by Locksmith, Troy Ave, Stalley and more (line-up below). The #WovenHouse will also have an Ink Master, Clint Cummings.
If you pass through, hit us up on Twitter to let us know you’re in the #WovenHouse
Also, tag your best photos on Instagram and Facebook from SXSW with #FrankenFood #SXSW #WovenHouse and we’ll choose a winner each day/night to win an exclusive #FrankenFood cooking pack!