That's because the prestigious Denver Post (Denver's ONLY paper of record), is creating a marijuana-focused website. Steve McMillan, of the Post, tweeted this photo, which reads, in part, “The Denver Post is hiring an editor to oversee the development and maintenance of a recreational marijuana website.”
As you know, the state of Colorado recently legalized weed. So, since there's a market, I guess it's up to the Fourth Estate to tell us what to think about it, no different than nightlife or politics. And what kind of stories would an editor like this oversee? Well, of course I had a few thoughts.
What's up with White Widow? Is it what I need to beat Call of Duty: Ghosts?
Not So Seamless: Why are food delivery apps so hard to navigate when stoned?
Sunsets? The shit?
The 10 movie theaters with the best places to get high right beforehand.
Grinders on Grindr: Meet the gays of Denver who roll the best blunts.
KB? Fuck yea, KB.
If you would like to apply (because marijuana-based journalism apparently pays $42,000 a year), email
[H/T @MichaelRoston; Weed image via Shutterstock]