The Founder Of Men’s Wearhouse Says He’s Been Smoking Weed On The Reg For 50 Years

Despite the fact that smoking marijuana is more mainstream than ever, there’s still a stigma about it to boring old people. The stereotype that stoners are patchouli-loving hippies in drum circles will probably never go away. I blame jokes like this:

BUT, more and more financially successful senior citizens are willing to admit that they toke up. Hell — Jeb Bush admitted that he smoked weed back in the day during a Republican Presidential Debate last week. An admission like that from a conservative-leaning career politician running for the highest office in the land would have been unheard of in the hysteria of the Nancy Reagan/Tipper Gore “Just Say No” years.

On Friday,  George Zimmer a.k.a. “you’re gonna love the way you look” Men’s Wearhouse guy gave a speech at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo in Los Angeles. CNBC talked to him beforehand and found out that good ole George loves token up:

“I’ve been smoking marijuana on a regular basis for about 50 years,” Zimmer said to CNBC, before joking, “As you can see, it’s really impacted me in a negative way.”

Zimmer gave the keynote speech Friday at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo in Los Angeles, pushing for legalization. “Everybody in the country knows what the truth here is, except the 535 people we elect to make these decisions in Washington, D.C.,” he told attendees. “It’s astounding.”

He’s all about supporting California’s ballot initiative to legalize it next year, too:

He’s throwing his support behind an initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in California next year, just as he supported the proposition that failed in 2010. No matter what form legalization might take, Zimmer said, “I think it’s important that we protect limited home cultivation without any government licensing, so whether it’s one plant or 10 plants, I don’t know, but I think that’s very important.”

This joke just writes itself at this point:


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: