Thieves Rob Phone Store, But Then Get Locked Inside, Crowd Gathers Outside And Laughs Their Asses Off

If you’re willing to go to jail for committing an armed robbery, you’d think you’d do your due diligence to ensure that you have taken all steps to not get caught. That means not getting locked in the store that you are intending on robbing. These brilliant thieves did not dot their i’s and cross their t’s when they attempted to rob a cell phone store and it came back to bite them right in their asses.

We take you to Paterson, N.J. where two men walked into a cell phone store in the middle of the afternoon. One of the men pointed a gun at the store’s employee. The Boost Mobile cellphone store manager then slipped out the back door while the robbers ravage the cash register. Instead of tying him up, they just let Tomy Torrez run away. That would be a big mistake.

“I say, check the walls and take whatever you want,” Torrez told NBC 4 New York. “So when they were busy I start running to the back.”

Torrez alerted ran into a connected office and told everyone to get out. He then closed the gate in the rear of the building, then ran to the front and did the same with the other gate. At the 15-second mark, you can hear the clanging of the metal gate coming down.

That’s the moment that they robbers knew that they were fucked.

They smashed the glass, but the metal gate would not budge.

If only they had a phone to call for help.

A crowd gathered outside the store after hearing all of the commotion. They point and laugh at the clueless criminals.

“Get us outta here!” the theives shouted. That was answered by a woman outside of the store, “I can’t let you outta there!”

Meanwhile, Torrez called the police five times, but they did not show up.

Eventually, the robbers found a toolbox that had bolt cutters and busted the locks and escaped.

However, at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 50-year-old Samuel Labbo and 43-year-old Travis Davis were arrested for the robbery.

“While the suspects may have believed they averted the police, they fooled themselves and were tracked down by the finest detectives in the nation and will now face quick and decisive justice,” Capt. Richard Reyes said.

They were charged with robbery, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and unlawful possession of a weapon.

Here’s the entire 29-minute and 10-second video of the botched robbery that shows no police anywhere in sight.

The moral of the story is always tie up your those you are robbing so they can’t warn authorities or lock you inside. Who doesn’t know that? Fucking rookies.