All David Spargo wanted to do was meet his favorite band, Peking Duk, when they played in Melbourne last night. Unfortunately, David didn’t have backstage passes, didn’t know anyone in the band and wasn’t a hot girl with large boobies he could use to hypnotize security into letting him pass. How’s a Bro supposed to go mingle with the band if he’s just a regular ol’ dude?
Rather than pout, go home and have himself a good cry, David told the security guards that he was actually related to the band. When security was skeptical (as they should have been) and asked him to prove it, David whipped out his phone and pulled up the band’s Wikipedia page which listed “David Spargo” under “family.”
You see, David was smart, thought ahead of time and edited Peking Duk’s Wikipedia page to say that he was related to them.
In other words, David is a fucking wizard.
When asked about how David was able to make it back stage, Adam Hyde of Peking Duk said “It was probably the most genius, mastermind move that I’ve ever witnessed…It’s crazy. He just did it on the spot, in a second on his phone. He told the secrity guard he was our stepbrother or something, and showed them the Wikipedia page and his ID…It goes to show never trust Wikipedia.”
som1 edited our wiki 2 say he was our family. showed security, got in2 the green room and had a beer with the boys..
— peking duk (@pekingduk) December 3, 2015
[H/T Unilad]