Here’s a list of the perks of being a girl:
1. Having boobs
2. Not crying in pain after getting kicked in the crotch
3. Having a convenient hiding place between your legs to hide things
Clearly #3 is the most insanely clutch thing ever. Hell, whenever I can’t find my car keys my first instinct is to shove my hand up my vag to make sure I didn’t put them there for safe keeping. Have I ever found them there? No, but one woman managed to hide a 1 lb. bag of meth up her puss for later.
” A woman was caught trying to smuggle a pound of meth into the United States by hiding the stash in her vagina, according to authorities…
Once officers found the broken condom during a pat-down in a secured room, officers asked Ibarra to remove her pants and underpants.
Ibarra complied, and one officer “was able to see a piece of plastic protruding from her groin area,” according to the federal complaint.
‘At that time, Ibarra admitted to having a package of methamphetamine concealed inside of her body,’ the complaint states.”
Oh come on lady, you don’t ADMIT to having a giant bag of meth up your vag once you get caught, you go with the ol’ “Whoopsies looks like I need to be a little more thorough when I shower, tehe.”
” Ibarra had to be taken to a hospital in Yuma because the package ‘could not be removed from her body,’ and the package of meth, weighing exactly one pound, was successfully removed.”
I wonder how often Mexico hospitals have to remove drugs from random body orfices. Over under at least daily? Let’s make this a betting game people.