Pop quiz hot shot, you’re high on LSD and you crash your car? What do you do? What do you do? Strip naked and run towards young children playing softball of course. At least that’s what Abigail Ralph did.
Last Friday, the 26-year-old woman from New Jersey was driving her 2004 Toyota Tacoma when she ran off the road in Nevada County, California and flipped it into an embankment when she simply attempted to make a turn. Abigail allegedly did this:
“Ralph then reportedly exited the vehicle, took her clothes off and was observed running naked ‘in a state of hysteria,’ at a nearby field where children from a Christian youth camp were playing softball.”
Oh. That’s aggressive.
I know this will be hard to believe, but Abigail was taking drugs before her accident. She told authorities that she licked a piece of paper laced with LSD.
Her passenger was taken away in an ambulance with injuries to her face and arm, and a possible concussion.
Ralph was booked on charges of felony DUI resulting in bodily injury, and driving without a valid license.
Well at least Abigail would have made Ricky Bobby proud.