The unconventional choice of Buckcherry’s “Crazy Bitch” nearly sparked a war in the YouTube video’s comment section. It’s too bad it wasn’t a real war because most people participating in that particular corner of the Internet wouldn’t be missed.
After a savage beating by an all-knowing commentariat, the bride herself poked in to defend herself.
“who made the rule on how my wedding should be and just so you know it was my wedding at my house and they were my guests if and when you ever find anyone to marry your narrow minded self you can have your wedding at your location with your guests in your way and guess what I will respect your choice because I live in the USA and that is what we do here. And thank you to all my friends and family (including my son) who fight or have fought for my freedom to do this”
“Wow I can promise I am not pregnant and I will bet my IQ is higher then yours and guess what I am employed with a great job and in my job I care for all different people with no judgment. WE had a wedding for us the craziness that is in our heads and all our friends and family get it. Have been told it was greatest wedding people have been too. You all just upset that you don’t have creativity or the balls to live your life freely like we do. Thank GOD I live in the USA”
“See everyone loved it I have total self respect and proud of everything I do with no regrets and thank GOD I can defend this. All those people are my family they grew up with me and raised me. I stand by this and so does my husband friends and family. All I wish is that I can find a wider shot so you all can see all the guests dancing and rocking out like we always do. I am a 43 year old grandma who rocks out and enjoys life. Proud of me and my family so all that are out there ROCK ON”
She makes some good points. As you can clearly see in the video, a father had the audacity to bring his young son to the ceremony. He should have known weddings aren’t family-friendly affairs. Everyone knows they’re anything-goes jamborees to pass time between Juggalo conventions.
If you can’t take the HOT SEX and ADULT THEMES, don’t bother showing up. But do please send a gift. You don’t want to be rude.
[H/T: Uproxx]