Teachers have the ability to inspire, motivate, and shape who you are as a person. They also have the opportunity to scar you for the rest of your life and make your childhood completely miserable.
A thread on Reddit asked users to share the worst thing a teacher ever did to them. Here are some of the most notable ones from the discussion.
First Grade
My first grade teacher was the worst. A friend of mine, not a trouble making student by any means, mind you, had asked politely to go to the bathroom several times for two hours until she couldn’t hold it any longer and peed herself. Then instead of calling a janitor, the teacher shamed her by making my friend clean up the puddle herself, on her hands and knees with paper towels.
Definitely Illegal
One teacher grabbed one student and was holding him out of the window for 20 seconds and shouting at him. It was on the third floor and we were 7 years old. Later that year he was arrested. He even put someone into the cupboard for solid 2 hours.
Ignored Abuse
You’re supposed to trust your teacher, right? I told my fifth grade teacher my Mom beats me all the time for no reason. I had bruises on my back, nail marks where she had dug into my upper arms and a patch of hair that was torn out when she grabbed ahold of me by my hair. The prick called my Mom and told her everything. I got the shit beaten out of me again. So yeah, worst teacher ever.
Big Hopes for the Future
My 3rd grade teacher hated me, told me on more than one occasion “You are poor white trash, you will just end up in prison, I wish I didn’t have to waste my time on you” and “I am not wasting my time teaching poor white prison trash, figure it out your self.”
I told my mom, the principals, the counselors, no one believed me at all…
The Cupboard
I am dyslexic but back in the day there was no dyslexia, just stupid. The unfortunate thing was when it came to math I was pretty good. My primary 5 teacher (I was 9) set us an arithmetic test, which I completed before everyone else. I took it to the teacher’s desk and was then told I must have cheated (I got all the questions correct). So she locked me in a cupboard with a new set of questions guess what? Yup, got them all right. My reward? I was belted for cheating.
The Creeper
I had a teacher in freshman English who would give the girls bonus points and extra credit for wearing short skirts to class. He also was guilty of some pretty consistent touchy, caressing, grabby personal space violations with them too. It wasn’t until I was older and he was out of the school that I realized how wrong it was.
This was in the 1950’s. I was 8 and recovering from an appendix operation. The class was being punished for some infraction or other by being made to walk up and down a flight of stairs for half an hour. I asked to be excused as I wasn’t completely healed and she said, “Aren’t you mommy’s little baby?” I spent the next week in the hospital because the staples had burst open.
Ms. Griffin, my kindergarten teacher. She was old and mean. Paddled me for rolling a grape on the cafeteria floor. She also got a bunch of new toys early in the year and put them where the class could see them, then told us they were for next year’s class because we were such horrible children. Despite having a bathroom in the classroom, she wouldn’t let us go unless it was a designated bathroom break time. Kept us in from recess multiple times a week. She was a horrible witch of a kindergarten teacher.
Accused of Stealing
My 8th grade science teacher called the police on myself and another student for “stealing” a microscope from the classroom.
Told the police she witnessed us remove it from the class. Thing was we never took it and the reason she couldn’t find it was because another teacher had borrowed it shortly after our class had ended.
She refused to apologize.
The Bully Teacher
I’m deaf and wear two hearing aids. As punishment, my grade 3 teacher used to take off my hearing aids and make me sit in the hallway alone.
“Your Mom” Jokes
We had a history teacher that would insult peoples’ mothers a lot. For example, he’d pick on a small, unpopular kid and say shit like: “Barry’s mum is coming into class tomorrow to tell us what it was like during the reign of Henry VIII”.
South Africa
When I lived in South Africa, we had corporal punishment in school. I had a math teacher who had it out for me. He’d cane me for offences like ‘bad handwriting’. One time I got 98% on a test, beat everyone in the class, including his favorite(s).
Result? He gave me two licks anyway. Why? So next time I wouldn’t miss the remaining 2%.
Spoiler Alert
My second grade teacher told me I was adopted. I was and did not know it up until then.
Do you have a story that you think can top these tales? Leave it in the comments.