Sometimes, especially on a scalding summer day, an unattended budget pilsner left roasting in the sun can quickly cross the taste threshold from “moderate-to-shitty, $18 a case lite beer,” to “oh my God, did I just drink urine lite beer!?” Grab the wrong brew and take an unsuspecting swig, and you’re immediately filled with regret and a subtle hatred for yourself, then, more often than not, a very unsubtle urge to barf. It’s terrible. We’ve all been there.
And that’s why it’s a downright horrible idea that a brewery in Oregon just received the government go-ahead to manufacture beer – a yellow lager, to be specific – using actual human waste and other sewage products, so to speak.
Per Yahoo News UK:
While some drinkers might balk at the frothy, golden brew, Oregon’s Clean Water Services hope it will show off just how pure the water they recycle from sewage is.
Oregon waste water treatment company Clean Water Services is proud of its ‘high purity’ recycling system – and applied to the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission to be allowed to brew it into beer.
Permission was granted this Wednesday.
So, am I the only one that is super skeptical about this? I mean, I’m all for green initiatives, yada yada, but the thought that the beer I’m drinking, in some parts, potentially passed through another human’s kidneys at one time is pretty damn repulsing regardless of how well-refined Clean Water Services considers their water.
However, for your and my well-being, at least the initiative isn’t being pursued on a grand scale. Rather, it’s a small home craft brewery by the name of Oregon Brew Crew that is set to take the reigns with piss project.
A local home-brewing group, Oregon Brew Crew will now create a sewage beer to serve at company events – although the finished product will have to be passed by local health and safety.
The local health authority approved the idea, citing, ‘The high quality of the treated water, additional microbial reduction in the brewing process, and a low health risk overall.’
Yeah, it’s not so much the general health risks as much as it is the general idea of drinking what was once sewage, so with that…
I’m out.