This past weekend the elite competitive billfishing world descended upon Ocean City, Maryland for the 2016 White Marlin Open. This year’s tournament saw the largest jackpot in the 43years of the White Marlin Open, with the 1st place boat bringing home an estimated prize of $2,818,660, all for just a few days of fishing. In addition to that monstrous payday for the winning boat another boat was awarded $767,091 for catching the largest tuna.
So, if you’ve ever wondered what a fish worth $2,818,660 looks like and/or what a fish worth $767,091 looks like we can settle that today because the results are below. Before we get to the pics of the winning fish though let’s check out the leaderboard payouts so you bros can see just how much money was awarded last weekend in Ocean City, Maryland:
Full results can be seen here if you want to check how individual boats performed.
Now let’s check out the fish, and when you’re looking at this White Marlin below I REALLY want you to consider that this fish won the men on that boat $2,818,660….This is a fish worth nearly THREE MILLION DOLLARS (via Fin and Field Facebook):
That White Marlin just 76.5-pounds netted them nearly three million dollars, and took home the top prize at the 2016 White Marlin Open. The second most valuable fish in the tournament was a 236.5-pound Big Eye Tuna caught by angler Rich Kosztyu aboard a vessel named ‘Hubris’. This massive Big Eye Tuna netted them a paycheck of $767,091.00:
According to Fin and Field, over ‘98% of the 1,358 White Marlin’ caught were successfully released back into the wild. And for a Day 5 roundup of all the action you can check out this video:
I’m almost ashamed to admit that I’ve never been in Ocean City, Maryland for the White Marlin Open. I came pretty close this year and was initially supposed to be in town for a bachelor party but that got moved to Charleston, S.C., so it’s looking like next year I’ll have to make my way to the promise land.
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