Aaron Rodgers Explains Why The Distractions He Causes Are Different Than Other Distractions And Are Therefore Okay

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“The bulls— that has nothing to do with winning, needs to get out of the building.” This is a quote that was said by Aaron Rodgers towards the end of the New York Jets disastrous 2023 campaign that saw the future Hall of Famer quarterback tear his ACL after just four plays.

In the roughly half a year since Rodgers said that, however, he’s not only done about a dozen headline-making interviews — in which he’s said things such as AIDS was created by the government and that he doesn’t watch adult entertainment for fear for what “they” might put on his laptop — but he also openly weighed accepting Robert F. Kennedy’s offer to be his presidential running mate.

Speaking to Adam Schein on SiriusXM earlier this week, Rodgers was asked about his “get out of the building” quote within the context of his frequent podcast and Pat McAfee Show appearance.

In response, the 40-year-old gave quite a mouthful about why what he’s doing isn’t the type of distractions he was talking about, actually!

“The comments that I made were intentionally meant to be vague, because as opposed to some of the stuff that actually went on last year, I’m not a leak,” Rodgers said. “I’m not somebody who is going to put a ton of our business out there. I just don’t believe. I believe you should handle things in house. That’s what I was referring to when being a distraction.”

Rodgers’ has largely been able to get away with his controversial ways because he’s regarded as one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. That was on in Green Bay, though. In New York, it’s a different story.

In New York, Rodgers is Schrodinger’s Great Quarterback, meaning he neither exists nor does not exist — he’s all potential. Because of his Achilles injury in 2023, Aaron Rodgers, to Jets fans, is still *the idea* of Aaron Rodgers.

If he stays healthy this year, however, he’ll go from being a hypothetical to the real thing, and if that real thing isn’t backed up by the winning the franchise so despertaely craves, things could get ugly in NYC fast.

Eric Italiano BroBIble avatar
Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.