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Without question, legendary broadcast Al Michaels will go down as one of the all-time greats when he decided to call it a career.
But Michaels, who currently calls NFL Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime alongside Kirk Herbstreit, is not without his quirks.
One of those includes Michaels’ strange eating habits, which are the stuff of legend.
Herbstreit revealed a bit about those eating habits last season when he shared that Michaels eats five-star caliber meals during halftime of Thursday night games.
“I work on a Saturday night show. When halftime comes, they might throw you a bag of Cheez-It or maybe a sandwich from a local place downstairs. That’s what I’m used to,” he said. “[With Michaels], we get to halftime, he’s got steak, shrimp—he doesn’t touch the mashed potatoes—and they’ve got like real silverware and a plate.
“You only have eight minutes in halftime in the NFL, but as soon as halftime’s over, headphones are off, back behind the screen, and they’ve got a table set, and it’s like fine dining for eight minutes; it’s just he’s eating and talking. It blew me away. I was not expecting that.”’
But why doesn’t he touch the potatoes? Well, it turns out Michaels is a 5-year-old and won’t eat anything remotely resembling a vegetable.
Here’s where it gets even more insane.
Michaels recently sat down with Richard Deitsch of The Athletic to discuss a number of topics. Among them was a dinner he shared with Hall of Fame coach and legendary broadcaster John Madden.
Michaels revealed that his favorite story about Madden involved a dinner they shared together. And Michaels’ order was downright psychotic.
“With my total aversion to vegetables, I once ordered French onion soup in Green Bay but told them I only wanted the broth, cheese and crouton. No onions,” he said. “And they brought it! Perfectly. It’s the hardest I ever saw John laugh — and it was always his favorite ‘dinner with yours truly; story.”
That is not french onion soup. That is melted gruyere with bred and broth. Which, while likely delicious, negates the entire point of the dish!
No onions?? https://t.co/LnHGHoMLSg pic.twitter.com/pvkuTfS8v4
— Paola Boivin (@PaolaBoivin) September 16, 2023
Who does that?!
Al Michaels. That’s who. And he’s an absolute mad man.