This H.S. Football Team Is So Much Larger Than Their Competition That 3 Teams Have Forfeited Against Them So Far

At a time when the ‘Pussification of America’ has never been worse, how awesome is it that there’s a high school football team out there that is so much bigger and more badass than their competition that THREE teams have already forfeited against them this season? The team I’m referring to is Archbishop Murphy H.S. in Washington, and thus far this season three opposing H.S. football teams have already chosen to forfeit instead of playing these badasses for fear of injury due to size discrepancy.

Heather Graf of reports:

GRANITE FALLS, Wash. – A third high school football team is now refusing to play Everett’s Archbishop Murphy amidst concerns about player safety.
Archbishop Murphy is a private Catholic school in Everett that’s been so dominant this season that South Whidbey, Sultan, and now Granite Falls High School have all opted to forfeit instead of taking the field against the Wildcats.
In the three games Archbishop Murphy has played this season, they’ve outscored their opponents 170-0.
“It’s not that we’re afraid to play the game, it’s an injury issue,” said Dennis. “Because of the size disparity between the linemen. They have 300-pound linemen. And we have sophomores that are weight 210, 220 pounds and starting on varsity. So that’s the issue, is the size disparity.”
Granite Falls High School held a community meeting Tuesday evening in response to parent feedback and fears that their kids could get seriously hurt if they go through with Friday’s game against Archbishop Murphy.
“My son is 5’8″ and weighs 117 pounds and just got out of middle school and just turned 14. They’ve got 18-year-old players that are 6’5” and weigh 330 pounds. I mean, that’s like putting a Volkswagen bug against a mack truck,” said Granite Falls mom Stacey McBride.
“I’ve said from the very beginning that there’s no way I’m going to let my son play these guys,” said McBride. “He said Mom I’ll get killed, why would I even put myself in that position?”

Let’s take one of those quotes above and examine it…“It’s not that we’re afraid to play the game, it’s an injury issue.”

Actually, based on everything else said above it sure as shit sounds like you’re afraid to play the game. ‘Mom, I’ll get killed’ sounds like a kid that’s afraid to play the game because he doesn’t think he’s strong enough to match the competition. All I see above is fear, and it’s so fucking impressive that there’s a H.S. football team out there this dominant and terrifying. AND, in addition to being athletically dominant Archbishop Murphy H.S. is apparently the #11 most academically challenging high school in the state of Washington…They’re like the goddamn New England Patriots of the Washington Prep League, it’s incredible.

I went to a VERY small high school. My graduating class was 28 kids. We were Class Single-A in sports, and in my part of Florida that meant we competed against IMG Academy, one of the premiere sports high schools in the entire world. We’d go up against freakish athletes, many who went on to professional careers after college, and none of us ever complained. I just think these pansies that are forfeiting should at least acknowledging they’re doing so out of fear, they at least owe that to the team on the other side.

For more on just how badass and terrifying the Arch Bishop Murphy H.S. Football Team is just CLICK HERE to head on over to King5 News!!

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at