Bill Burr Going Viral For Dismantling Bill Maher On His Own Podcast

bill burr on bill mahers podcast

Club Random YouTube

Comedian and actor Bill Burr recently appeared on Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast and the famed Boston native used a majority of the airtime to undress and dismantle virtually everything Maher said.

Whether he was discussing the conflict in the Middle East, flying private vs. commercial, or fashion choices, Burr is clearly antithetical to Maher’s whole shtick and wasn’t shy about making that clear.

“Stop talking like you’re a General,” Burr says to Maher as he bloviated about Israel and Palestine. “You’re like that guy that has a fantasy football team and thinks he’s a f—— GM. That’s exactly what it is. Why am I f—— listening to you? Like you’ve done something?”

Burr also roasted Maher about his seemingly forced vocabulary and the way that he dresses, telling him he came from the “slacks generation” and that he looks like he’s trying to “beat a drinking and driving charge.”

The below seven-and-a-half-minute video has compiled all of the best moments of Burr dunking on Maher.

As one person on Twitter eloquently put it, “Burr remains the most famous person who also most closely represents the median voter in terms of his basic sensibilities.”

In addition to the Middle East, the pair also discussed the topic of cancel culture, which Burr declared is “over.”

“It started off with something everyone could agree on, and then quickly it just spun out of control,” Burr said. “I remember whenever that cancel culture got to the point of where it was, ‘I don’t like some of the topics in your stand up act,’ right? That’s when it got weird. Cancel culture … it’s over. No one cares anymore.”

Maher then argued that it was time for comedian Louis C.K. to be accepted back into popular culture.

“Isn’t it time everyone just went: ‘OK, It wasn’t a cool thing to do, but it’s been long enough and welcome back.’ Enough! I mean for Christ’s sake, it’s not the end of the world. People have done so much worse things and gotten less. There’s no rhyme or reason to the #MeToo-type punishments.”

You can watch Burr’s full 98-minute-long interview on the Club Random podcast below.

Eric Italiano BroBIble avatar
Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.