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Brett Favre’s lead defense attorney has been removed from the Mississippi welfare funds scandal case for showing a “pattern and practice of delicate deception with ongoing misapplication of this State’s case law.”
Hinds County Circuit Court Judge E. Faye Peterson gave Brett Favre’s New York-based attorney Daniel Koevary the heave ho last Thursday for repeatedly for violating state court procedures.
“The most recent actions and filings by counsel appear to have been designed to be dilatory and not necessary for the representation of his client,” Judge Peterson wrote. “The motions presented herein were deliberately and tacitly designed to undermine the authority of the Court and demonstrate either a misunderstanding of the proper procedures and processes of the rules and the laws of the State of Mississippi or an effort to manufacture issues with the Judiciary.”
According to Front Office Sports…
Peterson listed four motions filed by Favre’s defense team since May 20, which included a motion to vacate her order that mandated in-camera reviews. (These allow judges to evaluate sensitive information in private to determine whether the evidence should be used in the case.) Favre’s legal team has also requested multiple hearings “for matters unrelated to and not within the jurisdiction of this Court to resolve” in an “attempt to manufacture discord,” Peterson wrote.
In other words, the Clarion Ledger reports, “Koevary called hearings that either had nothing to do with the case or dealt in matters outside of the court’s jurisdiction.”
“It appeared that information obtained in discovery seemed to be used as a tactic to embarrass and bring scrutiny upon third parties who were not involved in the action for reasons this court could not fathom,” Peterson also wrote in her filing removing Koevary from the case.
Currently, the case in discovery and no trial date or court hearings have been scheduled.
In other news related to the ongoing Mississippi welfare funds scandal, the journalist who first reported on Brett Favre’s alleged involvement in the scandal is now facing prison time for refusing to turn over files containing the names of their confidential sources.
Brett Favre is also trying to get a judge to reinstate his defamation lawsuit against Shannon Sharpe which was thrown out by a U.S. District Judge back in October.