Brett Favre Gets Roasted Again On Social Media For Making A Political Statement

Brett Favre looks on during the halftime ceremony of game against Vikings

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Brett Favre has apparently taken over the duties previously held by O.J. Simpson on Twitter now that the Juice is dead. Only instead of constant murder-related comments being made on everything he posts, it’s stealing welfare fund comments.

Why a guy like him is even on X (Twitter), especially since he is still under investigation for such a horrible fraud perpetrated by the state of Mississippi, is a mystery only he can answer.

Apparently, Brett Favre has learned nothing from his previous posts about political issues. That, or he just doesn’t care.

Because the ole gunslinger once again waded into political waters by claiming to be apolitical is response to Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States.

Last week, reporters asked Patrick Mahomes about the Presidential election, especially given his wife’s BFF endorsing Kamala Harris and how that may not jibe with Brittany’s public support of Donald Trump. (Though she may be re-thinking that decision, according to some reports.)

“I’ve always said, I don’t want my place and my platform to be used to endorse a candidate or do whatever, either way,” Mahomes replied. “I think my place is to inform people to get registered to vote. It’s to inform people to do their own research and then make the best decision for them and their family.

“And so I think that’s, every time I’m on this stage and I get asked these questions, I’m going to refer back to that. Because that’s what makes America so great.”

“Good take by Mahomes — I see a lot of celebs trying to influence their audience instead of letting the people think for themselves,” Brett Favre wrote on X (Twitter) in response to the Patrick Mahomes video.

“If the best choice for them ain’t clear and they’re easily swayed by their fav pop artist, it’s not going to be a good thing.”

That then led to, much like his post earlier this week about patriotism, an ever-growing number of comments about his alleged involvement in stealing millions of dollars from the welfare fund of the poorest state in the nation.

“Didn’t you steal from poor people?” one comment read.

“When are you getting indicted, Brett?” another person asked.

“I wonder what Mahomes thinks about millionaires stealing money from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families welfare funds?” someone else asked.

“You sexually harassed a reporter you scammed money from Mississippi. You’re disgusting. Just shhhhhh,” another commenter wrote.

There were also several comments which pointed out the irony that Brett Favre himself has publicly stated which Presidential candidate he is supporting, yet he is telling other celebrities not to do it.

“Does this include you coming out to say you’re voting for Trump or?” one person asked. “It’s no different than Taylor endorsing Harris. Weird take.”

“Stop dude. Just stop. You’re essentially doing what you’re saying celebrities shouldn’t be doing. You’re trying to influence people on how to make decisions and choices in their lives,” read another comment.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.