iStockphoto / Piotr Krzeslak
A couple in Monmouth County, New Jersey were at their Atlantic Highlands home when they heard a loud smash in the middle of the afternoon followed by the alarm on their Tesla vehicle going wild. They were stunned when they went to the driveway to find the Tesla’s windshield shattered and a fish laying nearby.
Normally, it would be virtually impossible to sort out what is going on here but Tesla vehicles have cameras than can remain powered on always and this vehicle’s camera captured the exact moment a bird dropped what appears to bluefish right onto the vehicle’s windshield, shattering it in the process.
According to NJ.com, the house where this happened is just a short drive from the water. After the incident, Cynthia Devine texted her daughter “a fish just fell out of the sky and smashed the windshield of the Tesla!! An omen??”
Now I’m racking my brain trying to think of what type of omen a falling fish smashing a Tesla windshield might be. Perhaps signaling the downfall of Elon Musk’s stranglehold on the EV industry?
It’s unclear what kind of bird dropped the fish but if I had to wager an educated guess I’d say it was an osprey as I’ve been the victim of dead largemouth bass dropped in my yard by ospreys on multiple occasions down here in Florida after they pick them up from the lake behind my house and lose their grip while flying and drop it in my lawn.
There are telltale signs on the fish of being picked up by a bird with talon marks around the gills and underbelly, which rules out any potential that someone did a drive-by fish tossing. These are, of course, important details to hammer out because when you call your insurance company to tell them a fish smashed your Tesla windshield they are going to inevitably ask for some proof as that sounds less believable than “my dog ate my homework.”
It is hard to imagine how a fish of that size could fall with enough force to smash a windshield though…