Britney Spears Fans Mock Victor Wembanyama With Memes After He Gets Dunked On In Summer League Game

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Britney Spears fans have become NBA rookie Victor Wembanyama’s biggest haters.

Earlier this week, Wembanyama found himself at the center of controversy when his security got into an incident with Spears.

The video of the incident shows Spears walking up behind Wembanyama and tapping him on the back to get his attention which led to his security team aggressively swiping her hand away.

Spears said she was traumatized by the incident and felt she deserved an apology from the Spurs and the NBA rookie.

Wembanyama angered Spears’ fans when he described her as “that person” and laughed off the incident while speaking to the media

On Friday, the Spurs rookie struggled in his Summer League debut against the Hornets and got mocked by Spears’ fans on Twitter.

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Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.