Caitlin Clark Adds To The Storied Legacy Of Pro Basketball Players Swatting The Life Out Of Little Kids’ Shots

caitlin clark sitting on the bench

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While certain sections of sports media and political grifters have tried to use Caitlin Clark’s name and brand to push certain agendas or narratives, the young woman herself is clearly just focused on not just being the best basketball player she can be, but the best role model she can be.

Earlier this week at a charity event, Caitlin Clark added to the hilarious legacy of professional basketball players blocking the hell out of little kids’ shots. It’s a visual that was, is, and always will be hilarious.

But more important than Clark’s playfulness with the youth is her reasoning for doing so, as the 22-year-old star gave a remarkably poignant answer when detailing the moment to reporters.

Speaking to reporters at the Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Clark — with an answer that suggests she’s wise beyond her years — explained that she simply couldn’t go easy on the little boy.

“Couldn’t go too easy on him, cmon! He said he could beat me. He wanted to play me one on one, he said he could beat me. so I threw the ball pretty far away,” Clark told the media.

The WNBA star than delved into a more thoughtful answer from there, detailing how these moments not only impact the lives of the kids but also her own.

“It’s fun when you can get out in the community. I think it puts basketball in a perspective, like, those little kids had never been to a Fever game and they were just begging to come to a Fever game,” Clark said.

“It shows the impact that you have in this community, but also, the amazing opportunities that I’ve been able to have because of basketball, and I don’t think people always realize those interactions certainly impact the lives of other people, but they impact our lives too,” she continued.

“It’s put our life into perspective, our job into perspective and what we get to do for a other people, I just feel lucky and grateful. I think it’s a two-way street on the impact that it has on the people in our community but also myself and our team.”

So far during her rookie season, Clark has — at the time of this writing — played in 14 games and is averaging 15.6 points, 6 assists, and 4.9 rebounds per game.

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Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.