Ruthless Dodgers Organ Player Cranks Billy Joel Tune With A Car Literally On Fire In The Parking Lot

An aerial view of Dodger Stadium.

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Fans in attendance at Tuesday night’s MLB matchup between Los Angeles and Arizona witnessed a bizarre scene in the stadium parking lot. A car caught fire outside of the Dodgers’ home ballpark, sending clouds of smoke bellowing into the LA sky.

As the vehicle burned in the California heat, the team’s organ player ruthlessly provided listeners with his best Billy Joel impression.

“We Didn’t Start The Fire,” could be heard throughout the stands at Dodger Stadium, a quite fitting song for the unexpected occasion. With no regard for the feelings of those poor fans watching their personal possessions erupt in flames, the organist’s rendition went on for more than 60 seconds prior to first pitch.

Check it out.

The organ player is said to be Dieter Ruehle, who also provides music for the Los Angeles Kings. He’s apparently a local legend of sorts, and we can certainly see why!

Videos of the scene immediately went viral on social media, leading to an array of online reaction. Followers couldn’t get enough!

“Such a priceless addition to the baseball experience to have a real musician entertaining the crowd, especially a really cheeky one.”

There’s Jordan, Kobe and Dieter Ruehle.”

“That’s just cold.”

“Dieter was cooking here.”

“Dieter does in fact, Ruehle!”

While the organist had fun with the bizarre incident, the scene was much more serious on site.

Other angles of the car catching fire circulated social media throughout the night, which appeared to show the vehicle empty as flames grew.

A story from Dodgers Nation seemed to indicate that no one was harmed and that the fire was contained to the one car thanks to a quick response from emergency personnel.

Unfortunately for those in attendance, the home team wouldn’t play too hot as Los Angeles fell to its division rival 7-3 to move to 33-18 on the season.

A truly wild night at the ballpark!