Carl Pelini was allegedly assaulted by the father of one of his players after a high school football game in Youngstown, Ohio on Friday night. The police report claims that the 59-year-old head coach was physically assaulted in his office after benching the perpetrator’s son during a 14-point loss.
It is unclear as to whether charges will be filed.
Pelini, 59, is currently the head football coach at Cardinal Mooney High School. He served in the same role at Florida Atlantic University from 2015-2017 and previously worked as a defensive coordinator at Nebraska, Youngstown State and Bowling Green.
According to the Youngstown Police Department, Pelini took a player out of the game during the second half of a game. against Warren G. Harding. The player “had some words in reference to that.”
Not long after the clock hit zero, Pelini and several other coaches gathered in an office in the locker room when the player’s father entered the room. He asked who was giving his son a “hard time.”
Pelini spoke up, which allegedly led the parent to throw a sucker punch.
The coach told police that he fell into a desk from the force of the punch and may have injured his ribs. He had blood on his lip and a bruise was starting to form on his face.
Several witnesses to the incident said Pelini was actually thrown into the desk after being punched. They said that the player’s father stood over him and continued to swing. Assistant coaches stepped in to break things up, which led the parent to leave.
WKBN also reports that the player was in the room with his dad and was “physically involved.” No further information about his involvement has been provided at this time.
We are aware of, and are actively investigating, the report of an assault at Cardinal Mooney High School on/about October 11th involving Coach Carl Pelini as the reported victim. The validated police report has been prepared and released by the YPD Record Room so that the public can be accurately informed. As this is an ongoing investigation of a criminal incident, nothing further can be released at this time.
— Youngstown Police Detective Jason Simon
Carl Pelini has yet to address the altercation.