Carlos Alcaraz could have stayed in a private hotel room during the duration of his trip to Paris for the Olympics. He decided to forgo that option in favor of the traditional Athlete’s Village experience.
It appears as though the 21-year-old tennis star might’ve had an ulterior motive!
When asked about his decision to stay with other Spanish athletes in the apartment-style housing instead of a hotel, Alcaraz explained that it was about the experience. He doesn’t want to miss out.
“I want to be around my people, feel the passion and the energy. Yes, staying in a hotel would have been more peaceful, but I will never forget the affection from the athletes, the hugs and the selfies.”
— Carlos Alcaraz
Alcaraz, fresh off of a win at Wimbledon, is one of the biggest international stars in France this summer. His fame is global. Everybody knows who he is, no matter the sport or the country.
The number of different athletes who have stopped Alcaraz for a photo might legitimately make him the most recognizable and demanded athlete in the entire world. Chew on that for a second!

One image in particular has gone viral in recent days.
Alcaraz took a picture with the Dutch women’s field hockey team. As could be expected, they are all gorgeous, and all but one of them are blonde.
Jokes started flying as soon as the photo went live on social media.
“You an’t sly Carlito! 😂”
— Mardy Fish
Athletes are known to get down during the Olympics. The Olympic Village supplied them with 300,000 free condoms for the 16(+) days that they are in Paris. This year, more than ever, is expected to be rather busy in that department because Tokyo was so restricted during the pandemic. So much so that dating gossip is actually one of the biggest draws to the Games for Gen Z and young millennials!
Many of the athletes also fall into that age category. They’re going to get it on.
Carlos Alcaraz might be one of them. He liked a meme on Instagram that implied a not-so-hidden agenda to his stay in the Olympic Village. BONK!

Even though Alcaraz removed his like from the post after people started to notice and later insisted that he didn’t mean to “like” the meme, it happened! He gave it a double tap.
Carlos Alcaraz is not messing around in the Olympic Village. *wink wink*