Denmark’s Christian Eriksen Scores In First Euros Match Since Heart Stopped On Field Three Years Ago

Getty Image / Carl Recine

Christian Eriksen gave us one of the scariest scenes in sports history a few years ago when his heart stopped during a Euro 2020 match between Finland and his nation, Denmark, in 2021.

On Sunday, Eriksen played in his first match in the the Euros since that fateful day, and he created a moment to remember. The Dane scored a goal to open the scoring against Slovenia in a truly awesome comeback story.

Eriksen suffered cardiac arrest on the field that day in Copenhagen, Denmark. Quick intervention by on-scene medical personnel and excellent work at Rigshospitalet, one of the top hospitals in Europe, saved Christian Eriksen’s life.

The midfielder returned to play in 2022, and played for Denmark at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar in a disappointing campaign for the country.

Once again, the 32-year-old was included in the squad for the 2024 European Championships being held in Germany, and that’s where the story really came full circle.

Christian Eriksen scored this first half goal in his first game in the tournament since his cardiac arrest.

Class finish off a really good flick by Jonas Wind.

Sadly for Christian Eriksen and Denmark, Slovenia equalized in the second half, and it finished 1-1.

Still, what an awesome moment for all of soccer and for Christian Eriksen.

Eriksen currently plays for Manchester United.

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Garrett Carr is a recent graduate of Penn State University and a BroBible writer who focuses on NFL, College Football, MLB, and he currently resides in Pennsylvania.