Before tonight’s huge Notre Dame-Clemson game, NBC had announced that they were going to switch over to Joe Biden’s Presidential acceptance speech at 8:00 pm.
Tonight’s Clemson at Notre Dame game moved from NBC to USA Network
— Brett McMurphy (@Brett_McMurphy) November 7, 2020
Tonight's Clemson-Notre Dame game will move to USA Network during NBC News’ coverage of President-Elect Joe Biden's speech.
— NBC Sports PR (@NBCSportsPR) November 7, 2020
Despite plenty of warning, there were some fans who were angry with NBC for switching over to the speech.
@NBCSports ND/ Clemson is the best game of the year. I will never watch @NBC again for interrupting it.
— Andrew Vallat (@andrewbv80) November 8, 2020
DAMN YOU @NBC…did you really have to cut away from the game considering every other channel has it on?
— Chris Bale (@cebale) November 8, 2020
Hey @nbc nobody cares put the game back on. #NDvsClem #GoIrish
— #ComeAndTakeIt #TaxationIsTheft (@ATobi1202) November 8, 2020
@nbc what are you doing??
— 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓷 🏁🏆 (@sadugafan) November 8, 2020
@nbc You suck…DO NOT mess with college football. THIS game is far more important than anyone speaking #facts #ClemsonVsNotreDame
— Phillip 🇺🇲 (@pmag76) November 8, 2020
@nbc WTH? If I want to watch a speech I can find it somewhere. Keep the game on
— Daryn Korstjens (@dckorstjens) November 8, 2020