Why College Football Is Calling The Two-Minute Warning The Two-Minute Timeout Instead

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The two-minute warning officially made its debut in college football this weekend.

Well, sort of.

College football fans were taken aback over the weekend when they reached the two-minute mark of the second quarter of Georgia Tech’s victory over Florida State.

The referee for the game, Jerry Magallanes, blew his whistle, turned on his mic and announced that it was now time for the “two-minute timeout.”

I’m sorry, the what now?

As you can see, fans weren’t exactly fans of the ridiculous new terminology.

So, what gives? Everyone universally understands what the two-minute warning is. It has existed in the NFL for decades. So why did college football feel the need to change it?

Chris Vannini of The Athletic revealed that “when the NCAA announced the ‘2-minute timeout,’ I asked coordinator of officials Steve Shaw why they didn’t use ‘warning.’ He said because it’s not a warning like it originally was created for in the NFL. I said, ‘OK but everyone is going to call it the two-minute warning.'”
Vannini did not say whether Shaw had a retort. But clearly, he was correct about the name “two-minute warning” sticking. And it feels like a case of college football trying to reinvent the wheel.
Several fans worried that the new stoppage play would just lead to more television timeouts. But as Vannini reports, it’s led to the exact opposite.
“So no, the two-minute warning is not adding extra TV timeouts,” Vannini writes. “It may not always be noticeable, but it will help game flow earlier in quarters, when broadcasters will feel less pressure to jump to commercial. But every time that stoppage arrives with two minutes left, fans are still going to be unhappy.”
As for the verbiage, that won’t change anytime soon. College football is sold on “two-minute timeout.” But we’re not calling it that no matter how hard they try.






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Clay Sauertieg is an editor with an expertise in College Football and Motorsports. He graduated from Penn State University and the Curley Center for Sports Journalism with a degree in Print Journalism.