Connor McDavid’s Good Luck Charm Is Actually Kind Of Gross

Connor McDavid

Getty Image / Andy Devlin

The NHL season is in full swing as we’re approaching the halfway mark. As usual, Connor McDavid is going bonkers for the Edmonton Oilers.

However, it sounds like we’ve finally learned the secret to McDavid’s success after he reveals his good luck charm. But it’s actually kind of gross.

During an appearance on Tim And Friends, the hosts were going over some of McDavid’s gear he wears on the ice. During that conversation, they reveal that Connor McDavid wears the exact same pair of socks in every game. And as you probably could guess, they look horrific. Take a gander yourself with the video below.

Okay, so McDavid claims “they don’t make them anymore” and it sounds like he doesn’t even know the brand name. Even so, you’re telling me that nobody is selling an unused pair of these socks on eBay? It can’t be that hard to find out what brand they are and seek out a new pair.

At the same time, professional athletes are some of the most superstitious people in the world. If it works, then it works. So why change your socks? Maybe if I had been more superstitious in my younger years I might have been able to play sports in college at the very least.

But hey, shoutout to Connor McDavid for sticking with the same pair of socks throughout his career. Albeit it’s gross, it is also impressive. Especially considering how easy it is to randomly lose a sock while doing laundry.