Dana White Reacts To Conor McGregor Conspiracy Theories After McGregor’s Mysterious Injury

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Dana White is finally opening up after the UFC 303 main event between Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler.

Last week it was revealed that McGregor, who has been recovering from a leg break for nearly three years, was forced to withdraw from his June 29th fight with an undisclosed injury.

During a recent interview with Jim Rome on X, White was adamant that McGregor was injured and there was no other reason for him to step aside after several conspiracy theories popped up online about McGregor negotiating another contract.

“Conor McGregor never tries to lead up to a fight and renegotiate a contract or get more money….He is as solid as solid can be at being a business partner. Conor McGregor is hurt right now. It’s absolutely real.”

White went on to show sympathy for McGregor’s opponent, Michael Chandler, who had been waiting for the McGregor fight for two years.

“I think poor Chandler wants to wait for Conor McGregor man.

“If he wants to get a fight this summer, we’ll do whatever he wants. He’s one of the greatest athletes I’ve ever worked with.”

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.