Dwight Howard Responds To 12-Year-Old Son And Others Who Have Called Him A Deadbeat Dad

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Dwight Howard has had an interesting offseason after winning the NBA championship earlier this month.

As soon as the Lakers won the NBA title, several of Howard’s exes and one of his sons took to social media to call him a deadbeat dad.

Here’s Howard’s ex Royce Reed of Basketball Wives fame on Instagram ripping Howard for allegedly neglecting his kids and not speaking to them in months.

Y’all better stop praising ppl based off a screenshot of their lives on tv and Instagram posts. Better yet… imagine having to text a 3rd party to try and find out if this person plans on seeing their 2 kids that live here and that they haven’t seen since July or SPOKEN to since August before they leave the city and the response is “I don’t know, I gotta see what the team doin”. A multimillionaire who can catch any flight with a choice to spend a couple hours with children who want to think he’s their own personal Superman. A child who REALLY NEEDS HIM RIGHT NOW! But… I hold this little boy at night through tears and anger. ”

“I comfort him. I raise him with love not through money. So anyone who has an issue with that F*CK YALL! Straight up! Braylon will always cause my lioness to come out! PERIOD! #mytherapistisgonnakillme”

Dwight’s 12-year-old son Braylon followed suit and posted a video on Instagram where he says he hates his father because he doesn’t speak to him.

As of right now I hate you, and I’m not saying this because someone told me to, I actually hate you, you don’t talk to me at all. You don’t talk to anyone of us.

Braylon went on to repost an Instagram post from Christina Vest, the mother of Dwight’s other son, Trey, where she reveals that Howard has also ignored their son for several months.


Dwight spoke to the Frank Ski radio show on Wednesday and denied the allegations that he was deadbeat dad.

Via Madamenoire

A lot of things that are being said, I hate that it’s our own people making it seem as though I’m somebody that I’m not. I’ve always been a great father. Is there areas of improvement? Of course, just like there is in life, with basketball , in anything that I do. I’ve never been that type of person. I lost one of my son’s mom–passed away earlier this year. I was given the responsibility to have my son with me full time. And he really has changed my life. He was one of the biggest reasons why I was able to go out there and help this team win the championship. There’s no way I could be this person that people say I am.”

Howard also said that he hadn’t talked to his son Braylon but that he’s been a good “provider” for him and hopes that one day they “get past this toxicity”

“Unfortunately, I haven’t. It’s a lot of things that are going on, but it’s personal. I’d rather keep that side out.”

“No matter what is going on, I love my son. I would never disrespect his mom. One day, we’ll be able to get past this toxicity and realize that we’re living in a day now where they’re kill off a lot of our Black men. And I don’t want anything to ever happen to my son. He’s too precious. His voice is great. He has a great mind. He’s spiritually inclined and I don’t want none of his life being taken away by toxic behavior from anybody. I love him to death, he knows that. He’ll always know that. Braylon has had the best life he can possibly have. He’s gone to the best schools. I’ve been a provider for him. Anything that he’s ever needed or wanted, he’s always had. And I would never put him in a position like that. He is my firstborn son. He has my name and I will always take care of him. But I think it’s going to turn out great for all of us. We just have to be able to change our mindset, how we speak, how we act and how we treat each other. So instead of me responding out of hate, I’m going to keep responding out of love. It’s too much hate and negativity.”

Here’s audio of Dwight’s interview via Awesomo

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.