We are just one stop away from Elimination Chamber and here is what happened on the outskirts of the Elimination Chamber. Here are the six most important moments on Raw.
The Cast Of Entourage Hangs Around All Night
Vinnie and the boys from Entourage showed up a couple times on Raw. Here’s Turtle and Johnny Drama straight-up lying to the Divas about watching Total Divas. Good play, Drama.
Grinning Roman Reigns
Raw kicks off with The Authority and Seth Rollins says that Dean Ambrose has been acting like a common thug and that he threatened his way into a WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. Rollins says that Ambrose didn’t earn or deserve a title shot. Rollins explains that Triple H could fire Ambrose right now if he wanted to, but Rollins asks him not to because Ambrose isn’t really a threat to him and that Ambrose isn’t even on his level.
Triple H explains that as of right now there’s really only a verbal agreement between them and Dean Ambrose and all Ambrose has to do is come down to the ring right now and sign a contract. Ambrose comes to the top of the ramp to the crowd’s delight. Ambrose says that he hasn’t been able to sleep lately, so rather than counting sheep, he’s been counting punches in the face to Seth Rollins. Ambrose says that he loves beating the hell out of Seth Rollins and that after Sunday, he won’t be known as a lunatic, but he’ll be known as the new face of WWE.
Seth has had enough and says that Ambrose is nothing more than a cockroach and a loser. THEM’S FIGHTING WORDS, BRUH!! Ambrose says that walking into the lion’s den to sign the contract might be crazy and stupid, but what the hell, lets see what happens.
Roman Reigns then makes his way down the steps to be some backup for Ambrose. Stephanie says that it’s cute that Ambrose and Reigns still hang out but Dean Ambrose has until the end of the show to sign the contract. Steph then makes a match for Ambrose and Reigns to take on Kane and Rollins.
Rusev’s Broken Heart
Rusev DEFEATS R-Truth. After seeing a Rusev/Lana break up video recap, Rusev completely annihilates R-Truth by putting him the The Accolade. Rusev then grabs the mic and asks for Lana to please come to the ring because they need to talk. Lana eventually comes out and Rusev explains that they’ve accomplished a lot together and that they both have the same idea in common, to crush America. Rusev pleads for Lana to come back to him so they can crush the same dreams again for mother Russia. Rusev asks for Lana to take his hand to a sea of “NO” chants. Lana eventually grabs his hand and all is forgiven. Rusev then explains that all she has to do now is to say three little words, “I was wrong.” You know, the thing that women have never ever said in all the history of women. Lana then leaves the ring and Rusev throws a hissy fit and says that he owns her. Lana goes all Kelly Clarkson on Rusev and says that she’s an independent woman and that no man owns her. She leaves Rusev in the ring to the crowd’s delight which then brings out Dolph Ziggler to meet her at the top of the rant. Lana and Ziggler share a kiss while a sad wittle Bulgarian cwies in the wing.
John Cena’s Promo on Kevin Owens
The John Cena United States Championship Open Mic Challenge. I hate to say it, but lately, the John Cena Open Mic Challenge is the one Cena related thing that I’ve been excited about in over 8 years. Cena explains that there are people in the crowd who fight with him and people who fight against him. Cena then basically legitimises Kevin Owens in his promo. Go check it out! Now!
The cast of Entourage then answer the call for Cena’s Open Mic Challenge and introduce Long Island’s own, Zack Ryder! In this battle of forgotten 2012 storyline, Cena and Ryder have a great back and forth. Entourage guy number 3 tries to get involved and Ryder tries to steal a win to no avail. Ryder pulls out all the stops with a 450 Splash and misses which allows Cena to capitalize with an Attitude Adjustment. Cena picks up the win. So we might as well just let Zack Ryder rot with Nassau Coliseum. Kevin Owens then comes out of no where and attacks Cena with a Powerbomb and leaves John Cena laid out and out one more time.
The First Ever 10-on-3 Tag Team Handicap Match
The New Day cuts a promo saying how it’s not fair that they have to defend their titles in an Elimination Chamber match. Kane comes out and explains what fair actually is. Kane says The New Day is going to fight Cesaro/Kidd, The Lunchable Dragons, Prime Time Players, Los Matadores, and The Ascension in a 10-on-3 Handicap Match. The match doesn’t get too far underway until all the tag teams get involved which results in a DQ leading to The New Day picking up the win.
Police Academy 8
Before The Authority make their way to the ring, Michael Cole announces that there has been an exclusive on WWE’s YouTube account that shows the video of Seth Rollins pushing the cameraman into Dean Ambrose which makes Dean Ambrose’s arrest null and void??? Seth Rollins explains that Ambrose is still a thug and a criminal and that he doesn’t deserve a title shot. Stephanie says that the WWE staff works hard and should be respected, which Ambrose didn’t do. Triple H says that Ambrose is still unable to sign the contract by the end of the show, so now the contract will turn back into a pumpkin. Roman Reigns rushes the ring and attacks The Authority.
Reigns doesn’t get too far into the brawl until The Authority gets the upper hand. A siren goes off, and no, it’s not Scott Steiner, but it’s Dean Ambrose driving a police van back into the arena wearing a cop outfit like a shitty Police Academy sequel. Ambrose starts to clean house with Roman Reigns and then Reigns hand delivers the contract to Dean Ambrose so he can sign it, making the match at Elimination Chamber official!
As for the rest of Raw…
Ambrose/Reigns DEFEATS Rollins/Kane. This was a fun, and surprisingly longer match to start off Raw, even if Kane was involved. Go back and check out the highlights for this match. The match ends when Dean Ambrose surprises Seth Rollins with a backslide pin for the 1-2-3.
Renee Young congratulates her lover boy, Dean Ambrose, on a victory when they’re interrupted by J&J Security and they tease him about not getting his contract after all. Dean takes down J&J and then accidentally strikes a cameraman, which if I was that cameraman I would feel awful about myself knowing that I could be confused as a member for J&J Security.
Dean Ambrose is met by Seth Rollins and Triple H. Trips and Rollins bring in the cameraman that he knocked down with two police officers and the officers ask the cameraman if Ambrose is the man who assaulted him. The cameraman says yes, but he could’ve swore that he felt a shove from behind, which then leads to Rollins cutting him off and yelling at him to answer the question. The cameraman reluctantly says yes and the police officers arrest Ambrose.
Ryback DEFEATS King Barrett. Ryback is still taped up from his recent battles with Bray Wyatt and King Barrett makes sure to exploit it during this match. Barrett sets up Ryback for The Bull Hammer but gets a little too cocky by slapping around Ryback’s head. Ryback then explodes from the ground and delivers a spinebuster followed by a Shell Shock and picks up the win.
Backstage, Triple H is on the phone and explains to Stephanie that Ambrose is in the process of being booked in jail so there’s no way that he’ll be able to make it back in time to sign the contract for the match at Elimination Chamber, which means Seth won’t have an opponent for Elimination Chamber. I dunno if NOT having the WWE World Heavyweight Championship defended at a PPV is best for business…ohhh wait, yeah, Brock Lesnar. The Entourage boys come in and they schmooze with Triple H and Stephanie for awhile about their movie coming out until one of the guys mentions Ronda Rousey working over Stephanie at Wrestlemania.
Neville DEFEATS Stardust. WWE should just call him Falling Stardust. In the middle of the match, Bo Dallas makes his way to the ring with his goofy ass smile and pep talks both Stardust and Neville during the match. After the match, Bo says that Neville can get up, all he has to do is Bo-Lieve! Bo then kicks Neville in the injured knee and does a victory lap around the ring.
Sheamus DEFEATS Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus controls most of the match. I’m amazed that no crowd has been smarky enough to chant “ARRRSEHOOOLE! ARRRRSEHOOOOLE!” to Sheamus since he’s been heel. Lana eventually makes her way to the top of the ramp to keep an eye on the action. Ziggler eventually turns the tide until Rusev makes his way to the ring to distract Ziggler. Sheamus takes advantage and picks up the win. Rusev then enters the ring and attacks Ziggler while Lana makes her way to ringside. Rusev puts Ziggler in The Accolade in front of Lana and challenges Lana to “kiss him now.” Sounds like Rusev is into some kinky stuff, eh!?
Tamina DEFEATS Paige w/ Bellas on commentary. It’s safe to say that Paige is the face of the Diva division. No other Diva really gets a reaction like Paige does, unless it’s a Diva in NXT. Naomi takes out Paige with a high heel to the head and Tamina delivers a Samoan Drop that looks a lot like Ryback’s Shell Shock.
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