ESPN’s Laura Rutledge Visibly Cringed After Russell Wilson Said His ‘Let’s Ride’ Catchphrase During Postgame Interview

Russell Wilson is the king of cringe, and ESPN’s Laura Rutledge tried very hard not to laugh in his face during their postgame interview.

This year, Wilson has made it his mission to annoy everyone with his “Let’s ride” catchphrase.

Wilson says the phrase before wins and losses.

The Broncos were able to squeak out a win over the Jaguars in London, and Rutledge knew what was coming.

While interviewing Wilson, Rutledge was visibly cringing while Wilson did his “Let’s Ride” schtick.

Rutledge’s ESPN colleagues noticed Rutledge’s reaction to Wilson’s “Let’s Ride.”

“Boogie about to Laugh her ass off. I know this Pre bust of laughing look,” Marcus Spears tweeted.

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Jorge Alonso is a BroBible Sports Editor who has been covering the NBA, NFL, and MLB professionally for over 10 years, specializing in digital media. He isa Miami native and lifelong Heat fan.