Ex-NFL Doc Reacts To Cameron Brink’s Worrying Leg Injury

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Medical specialists are beginning to react to Cameron Brink’s worrying leg injury.

On Tuesday night, Brink was carried off the floor after suffering a non-contact injury during the Sparks-Sun game.

According to former NFL doc David Chao, better known as Pro Football doc, Brink likely tore her ACL and could be out for the rest of the WNBA season.

Via Sports Injury Central

According to video analysis from our panel of Pro Basketball Docs, there is significant concern that she has suffered a left knee ACL tear. This diagnosis would be devastating for Brink, as it would rule her out for the rest of the season, causing her to miss the remainder of the Sparks’ campaign.

Early reports claim Brink was able to walk out of the arena with no assistance, which is hopefully good news.

It’ll probably take a few days before we get a definitive diagnosis on Brink, but hopefully she’s ok and can continue playing this season.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.