F1 Owner Allegedly Vowed To Personally Stop Andretti From Joining Formula 1 Grid

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If racing legend Mario Andretti is to be believed, fans should probably temper their expectations of seeing an Andretti team in Formula 1 anytime soon.

Andretti, a Formula 1 world champion, Indy 500 champion and Daytona 500, recently told NBC News that Greg Maffei, the CEO of F1 owner Liberty Media, has made it his personal mission to keep Andretti out of the sport.

Andretti, whose son Michael is the owner of the Andretti Global race team, recently attended an invite-only breakfast at Formula 1’s Miami Grand Prix.

While there, he claims to have spoken with F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali about his son’s plans to join the Formula 1 grid backed by legendary car manufacturer Cadillac.

“I was asked to go there. And just as I was trying to explain that to Stefano, Greg Maffei, Mr. Maffei, broke in the conversation and he said: ‘Mario, I want to tell you that I will do everything in my power to see that Michael never enters Formula 1,’” Andretti said.

Thus far, Andretti’s quest to join F1 has not been successful.

Andretti F1 Bid Has Drawn The Attention Of United States Congressmen

Despite getting FIA approval, the 10 teams already on the grid have been largely opposed to a new team. Particularly Haas, which is currently the lone American team in F1.

Earlier this month, several U.S. senators called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate whether  F1 violated U.S. antitrust law in denying Andretti’s bid.

That may well be the source of Maffei’s ire. But Mario Andretti was still taken aback by the interaction.

“I could not believe that,” he said. “That one really floored me. … We’re talking about business. I didn’t know it was something so personal,” he said. “That was really — oh, my goodness. I could not believe it. It was just like a bullet through my heart.”

Despite just one American in the series, the U.S. hosts three Formula 1 races (Miami, Austin and Las Vegas), more than any other country.