Finn Balor may be “The Demon King” when he wrestles for WWE, but as anyone who has followed him and his career knows, he’s really just a super nice and really talented guy.
That’s why when he became WWE Champion at SummerSlam this year only to have to relinquish the belt the next day after suffering a nasty shoulder injury many fans were deeply disappointed.
One of those very disappointed fans is five-year-old Logan who attended the Wizard World comic con in New Orleans wearing a full Finn Balor costume this past weekend.
Unfortunately, when little Logan got the chance to actually ask his hero a question he froze up and the tears started flowing. That’s when Balor scored ALL THE POINTS by picking up Logan and carrying him up on stage where he reassured Logan that if he could pick him up he was well on his way to recovery and expects to be back by WrestleMania 33.
Of course we would expect nothing less from the man who builds LEGO sets as his way to unwind away from the ring.
Hurry back to the ring, Finn, we just somehow became even bigger fans of yours.
H/T The Illuminati