CBS Uses Hilarious Taylor Swift-Themed Graphic For Travis Kelce’s Monster Performance

If you’re tired of the Travis KelceTaylor Swift content, you probably didn’t click on this link. And, CBS clearly isn’t tired of it either, as they unveiled an aptly-named graphic that shows just how good Travis Kelce has been this year with Swift in attendance.

The graphic, which is titled “You Belong With TE”, is a play on Swift’s hit You Belong With Me from her Album Fearless. And, it shows that Kelce has been much better in the games she’s been at this year compared to those where Taylor Swift hasn’t been present.

That’s clever, CBS> And, it’s on national tight ends day.

That’s continued today, as Kelce had 12 catches for 179 yards and a touchdown.

Chiefs fans are going to have to want Swift to come to every game. Sadly, she will go back on the Eras Tour for a few stops in November, before seeing her schedule free up again in December. But, Super Bowl week could be a problem, as Swift has a concert in Asia approximately 36 hours before the start of the Super Bowl, if the Chiefs make it that far.

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Garrett Carr is an editor at BroBible with an expertise in NFL and other major professional sports. He is a graduate of Penn State University and resides in Pennsylvania. Garrett is a diehard Penn State, New York Mets, and New York Knicks fan.